entry level employee

How to Show That You Would Be an Ideal Addictions Counselor Entry Level Employee

If you’re fresh out of school, training or certification to be an Addictions Counselor, you may be searching for an entry level position in this field. As an entry level employee in an organization, here are a few things that should help you in the hiring process and beyond.

How to Show That You Would Be an Ideal Addictions Counselor Entry Level Employee

First, it would be a good idea that you have considered before now the character traits that are important for a person to be successful in your particular field. I am sure that these were discussed at length in school and training but this is something that needs to be carried forward into the hiring process.  If patience, tolerance and fortitude are traits that you feel are most important to a successful addictions counselor, be sure that you are exhibiting those and are prepared to discuss them.

When applying for jobs, take the time to have a clean and neat resume and cover letter.  Address all of the application requirements and don’t addictions counseloradd unnecessary things that don’t have anything to do with the job.   Also have clean and professional social media profiles as they will likely get a view in the hiring process.  Practice your interviewing skill and use the professional network that you’ve been building up to help you find job leads.  Make it clear that you have no fear of entry level positions.

One thing that entry level manager value are new employees who are fast learners.  Generally, there is more than one entry level position being filled and most managers have more than one person reporting to them and other responsibilities beyond that.  Having employees who are self-starters and fast learners is priceless.  If you can’t remember directions, write them down.  If you get something wrong, that’s ok but be sure to get clear direction on how to not make the mistake again and don’t repeat it.

Willingness is key.  I’ve heard that somewhere before.  If you are willing to do what is asked of you without questioning every move and decision your boss makes, the faster you will leave the world of the “entry level position” behind.  Show that you are willing to follow directions and you will likely get more responsibility and freedom as time goes on.

Be responsible.  Show up on time, every single day and do your work.  Don’t surf the internet, hang out in the break room or take long lunches.  You will get extra points for being responsible, dressing like a professional and acting respectfully.  Don’t do these things and don’t expect to advance or, potentially, stay employed for long.

Gaining an entry level position can be a competitive process.  As it is consider an “entry point’, there may not be a lot of prior experience requirements so the job applicant pool will be larger.  However, land one of these jobs as an addictions counselor and follow our list of tips and you won’t remain at the bottom of the ladder for long.


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