Q. There are so many other job search sites on the web, are you guys crazy?

Yes we are, but we have good reason to be. Read the about us section for more details about why we are different and completely focused on addiction jobs. We believe there is room for someone like us with a passion for all things Recovery along with the technical know-how to operate such a job board to keep our tools relevant and user-friendly.


Q. Is this web service free?

It depends which side of the interview desk you’re on. Our Job Search users have it made… search and apply ’till your hearts content, absolutely free – always and forever!

Our recovery industry clients who post their available positions with Recovery and Addiction Jobs are charged for each job post submittal, yet get a 30-day Free Trial to give us a test run. The current pricing and options can be found here.


Q. I read your About Us page and I still don’t understand why “your different”

Couple major things set us apart. For one, we completely focus on drug and alcohol jobs, primarily in the United States at this time.  Additionally, we are in recovery ourselves and and have a nurturing need to help our industry find real talent and qualified people to help those out there who are still suffering. Because of this, we know what a real opportunity is and what is likely to be passed by in a simple search.  In addiction to aggregating job postings from all the “big boys” (Monster, Indeed, Accenture etc.) we hand accept and approve the recovery jobs that are listed on our site.

We have been on both sides of the hiring fence and early on decided, if one of our friends asked us, “is such and such hiring?” We would point them in the right direction… So guess what, dear addiction jobs searcher – You are our new friend, and we want you to find an awesome job quickly and easily, or rather, an amazing career that takes you to the next level. Happy Hunting!

One thought on “FAQ

  1. Darren on Reply

    How many people have you successfully recruited into the workforce at various jobs? You guys do seem like a very reputable company.

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